Punt e mes is a product with a legendary history. The story goes that in 1870, in the Carpano shop, a stockbroker, in the midst of a discussion with colleagues, ordered a slightly different vermouth with half a dosage of china, using the local dialect “Punt e mes” (a point and a half).
Punt e Mes is a vermouth known in the whole world for the correct balance between the intriguing citrus hint of the Carpano range and the bitter coming from china and absinthe.
Ideal to drink with ice, neat or with selz but also a great ingredient for cocktails, like the original cocktail MI-TO: created to unite in a unique drink the cities of Milan and Turin. You can make it by filling a low tumbler with ice, adding 3,5cl of Punt e mes, 3,5cl od Bitter and delicately stirring. To make the cocktail even fresher, it’s sufficient to add a splash of soda water. Garnish with an orange peel.
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FRATELLI BRANCA DISTILLERIE S.p.A. © 2024 |Via Broletto 35, 20121 Milano
Iscritta al R. I. di Milano al n. 00720670157 – Codice Fiscale e P.IVA n.: 00720670157 Capitale Sociale Euro 1.500.000,00 i.v.