Fratelli Branca

Grappa Candolini

Acquired by Fratelli Branca Distillerie in 1987, Candolini is the smooth and elegant grappa favorite by Italian people. Produced with carefully selected top quality distillates, Candolini is essential, elegant, harmonious and pure.
Grappa Candolini appears as it is.


Candolini Bianca”, a well-balanced aroma and taste and particularly delicate. Produced with highly selected sistillated, clear and pleasurable. It’s a fresh Grappa that seduces and conquers for its refined taste. Ideal as an after meal drink, it is the Grappa preferred by Italians.

Grappa Candolini Bianca
Buy online Grappa Candolini Bianca
“Candolini Classica” an ample and articulated taste. It has a slighltly amber colour with a wide extention of scents. The particular arona made Grappa Candolini Classica a true surprise at each taste.
Grappa Candolini Classica
Buy online Grappa Candolini Classica
“Candolini Riserva” for connoisseurs of intense and mature flaours, a product which is a results of over 18 month aging in oak barrels. It has the coloour of the most precious amber and a refined aroma, enjoyable—characteristics which make it unmistakeable.
Grappa Candolini Riserva
Buy online Grappa Candolini Riserva
“Candolini  Ruta”, delicate and harmonic tastes and aromas, thanks to its infusion of fresh Ruta . To serve in chalice flutes at a temperature BETWEEN 10° and 14°. Ideal as an after meal drink.

“Candolini Gran Miele”is a slight amber liqueur round to the palate with a delicate and balanced taste. A perfect mix between Grappa Candolini Bianca and high quality Italian honey to enjoy neat or with ice for tasting the sweetness and intensity of the honey, as well as the clearness of the grappa.

“Candolini Monovitigno Chardonnay” impresses for its strong fruity and floreal notes with a pleaseant taste of green apples. It is best served in grappa glasses at a temperature between 10 and 14 Celsius degrees. Its well rounded taste emerges also in cocktails.

“Candolini Monovitigno Moscato Barrique” is an aromatic grappa with a softly fruity taste. The liquid pass through an aging process long 12 months, 6 of which are in barrique oak barrels. For this reason you can easily recognize Candolini Moscato’s strong smell and smooth taste.

Drink Suggestion

Suggestions for drinking:

-Neat or with ice

-Main ingredient in cocktails, for example the “Caipicandolini” with Candolini Bianca. Grappa Candolini Ruta is used for creating new cocktails from some of the best bartenders in the whole world. The “Corral” cocktail is a mix of Grappa Candolini Ruta, thyme syrup, freshly squeezed lemon juice, and prosecco: incredibly appreciated by rockstars, movie stars bartenders and new Yorkers.


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FRATELLI BRANCA DISTILLERIE S.p.A. © 2024 |Via Broletto 35, 20121 Milano
Iscritta al R. I. di Milano al n. 00720670157 – Codice Fiscale e P.IVA n.: 00720670157 Capitale Sociale Euro 1.500.000,00 i.v.