Fratelli Branca


Have an ice journey!

Brancamenta was born in the ’60s, a period characterized by great changes, by an economic boom, by a new way of life – more individualistic and less conformist – and, consequently, by great desires for novelties, even in taste and flavours.

Fratelli Branca Distillerie, thanks to the great and sharp intuition that has always distinguished it, decides to research and develop a drink suitable for every season, creating Brancamenta, a product that surprises its consumers and aficionados with its “thrill of intense pleasure ” at every sip.

Its surprising formula, composed of herbs and spices, is enriched with the Piedmontese peppermint essential oil, the most valuable in the world.

Thus a high-quality, natural and particularly refreshing bitter liqueur was born.

Brancamenta, perfect in every season, is an iced drink icon, either as an aperitif or for a long evening of taste and pleasure.

Ideal also mixed in the irresistible Mintonic cocktail. The recipe is very simple: muddled lime, a spoonful of brown sugar and mint leaves add crushed ice, pour 1/5 Brancamenta and 4/5 of tonic water and garnish with mint leaves.

For a truly “cool” drink, we recommend enjoying Brancamenta at a “below zero” temperature, a way of consumption that incorporates that idea and that image of a glass carved in ice that has become a true icon of Italian advertising.


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FRATELLI BRANCA DISTILLERIE S.p.A. © 2024 |Via Broletto 35, 20121 Milano
Iscritta al R. I. di Milano al n. 00720670157 – Codice Fiscale e P.IVA n.: 00720670157 Capitale Sociale Euro 1.500.000,00 i.v.